Founder cum Secretary Message

We are here to nurture responsible citizens ,to create awareness and educate our fellow countrymen. After all we are in the land of mother Teresa and Gandhi ,Every one of us carries forward with him/her a great legacy of kindness and faith; conviction in our fellow human beings ; our children and our natural resources. We believe that all lives have equal values, which is why our principal motive is to unite people , breaking barriers of social atrocities that plague us like caste ,creed, religion, etc. we aim to bring about holistic change , expanding to various spheres of life. And we want to do that with a fresh, creative attitude towards our world . It could be a simple” blood donation camp “ or “ A religious camp for children, but these are just two bullet points in the abysmal cauldron of change. The way to look is forward and the time is now.

Irfan Alam